My creative writing takes the form of poems and paragraphs that use bold, simple, subtly peculiar language and constructions concerned more with tone than story. While there are abstract and magic realist elements, the writing is realistic. I use my own writing heavily in my video work and I also write poems, art essays, and criticism.
Artist’s Booklets
I’ve made an artist’s booklet describing and documenting the process and content of each of my recent video works, and also containing the script of each work. You can download the pdfs here, and they are available to purchase at oregoncontemporary.com/shop.
Creative Writing
What is the word for the day after tomorrow. Video Transcript
Zero Doesn’t Mean Nothing, 2020, a conceptual text to be read in random order of pages.
Selection of Poetry and Prose pieces 2015-2020
Selected Publications
Big Red and Shiny, July 21, 2016 See It Before It’s Gone: Dan Boardman / Audrey Hope at Kijidome
Mother Mother, May 2016, zine curated by Sheilah Wilson as part of the exhibition Repeat Pressure Until,Ortega y Gasset Projects, Brooklyn, NY
Artscope Magazine, March 2016, Time Machine to the Present, Emma Hogarth
Tuesday; an Art Project, Issue 6:2, January 2016
Houseguest, Literary Magazine, Issue #4, July 2015
Accordion Zine, March 2015
Collison: More Human, Exhibition Catalog, Sept 2014, Boston Cyberarts Gallery, 2014, Boston MA
Collision:bilocate, Exhibition Catalog, January 2014, Boston Cyberarts Gallery, 2014, Boston MA
100/10∆8: Rise Industries Exhibition Catalog, Institute of Cultural Inquiry, ICI Press, 2012, Los Angeles CA
Boston Globe, September 7, 2011, You Are My Sunshine, by Cate McQuaid